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Poems and Thoughts    by Frank Maurer

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AI and Honey Bees--New Introductions into Society.

AI is a new 'entity' entering our society.
It shall bring many 'benefits' to medicine, education, research and warfare,
But shall also be utilized by those who will harm society.
AI, in the greater picture, with its thirst for power, will be
affecting climate change
In a major and exceedingly harmful way,
Unless several breakthroughs to lessen negative effects on society are

Similarly, the introduction of the (European!) Honey Bee has had a
parallel biological effect.
It was introduced to produce honey, but more,
To pollinate the ever-increasing flowering plants in our 'growing' agriculture.
Being introduced, this 'new' species in a new place is vulnerable to
the whims of evolution,
Including the many pests which have taken advantage of a vulnerable 'foreigner'.
If the use of Honey Bees fails, eg disease and increasing Climate
Crisis temperatures,
Will the whole pollinating system of North America
Crash to a halt with simultaneously tumultuous food production?
Great ideas and systems may appear ingenious and invulnerable,
But in the long run, may not survive the desired intended human system!

Frank Maurer 10 July 202 1615 Hours.

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