Poems and Thoughts by Frank Maurer
Time Revisited.Humans have created an illusion with the measurement of time.Today, Daylight Savings Time (DST) ended at 0200 Hours, pushing the clock back. Announcers and others cried out joyfully, "We have gained an hour!" Likewise at autumn-time an opposite lamentation is heard. Are we really so completely brainwashed? Humans, as well as other Earthly life, Are locked into a circadian rhythm coordinated with the sun. Before the invention of clocks, no conflict occurred. With clocks, humans could just coordinate more precisely, But still not challenging their circadian rhythms. Standard Time (ST) is basically coordinated with the sun and our bodies. And it must be emphasized that light exposure is vital For the health of our circadian rhythm and its proper functioning. Most, including farmers, worked from sunup to sundown. The clock often extended the work day from dawn to darkness, But the circadian rhythm was not challenged or shifted. Then, because of the rationales of war, farming, And school children walking in the dark, The subtle biological conflict of the sun vs clocks began. With the artificial creation of Daylight Saving Time; Nice for many now 'having' long summer evenings, But, as warned by many psychologists, detrimental To our cryptic, but very real circadian rhythm. Now politics enters to raise its uninformed head; Always considering votes, business, and a feeling of control. Two years ago, I sent an email to all 50 senators, Warning them of the pending chaos, if a free-for-all were allowed. Only two states have thus far legislated for only Standard Time--AZ and HI. If future states choose just what they desire, permanent DST or ST, Our country will be a chaotic mosaic of time changes, And, we do this not fully understanding the detriment to ourselves Which manifests our normal circadian rhythms Grinding against a seasonally changing time, Part of the cycle being unhealthy for our very well being. |
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